Mikayla Hunter
AA, Kirkwood Community College
Introduction and Research
I am currently working on my bachelors degree in neuroscience with a minor in psychology. The mind and body have always fascinated me and I developed an interest in pursuing a career within the sciences/medical field. When I was 12 years old my grandfather passed away from Alzheimer’s disease, and a few years after my father was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s. After years of doctor visits, worry, and monitoring his progression, my father was re-diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Being such a curious individual, and watching my loved ones go through this dreadful affliction, I wanted to understand more about these neurodegenerative diseases. From this curiosity, I started to ask questions. These life experiences and questions led to my interest in pursuing further education and career in investigating the realm of neurodegenerative diseases. As the field continuously advances, it is such an honor to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of scientists on such an important cause.
As a Histology Technician in the Iowa Neuropathology Resource Laboratory, some of the duties and techniques I perform include tissue embedding, microtomy and processing donated brain tissue for histology, as well as molecular and biochemical studies. I am eager to better the laboratory skills I already have, while learning new skills that will help me advance my career as a scientist.